Located in Sterling, VA (703) 421-1200

Overcoming Your Fear - by Matthew Romans

There are a great many reasons why people decide not to undertake a comprehensive exercise program. Cost may be a consideration, as well as work/travel, family, or it could be that you're just not interested in exercise. While we certainly believe that Total Results exercise is extremely beneficial to anyone who decides to pursue it, we also believe that there is one very powerful element that can prevent one from achieving the benefits of our exercise philosophy: fear. It's very natural to have fear, but it is something that we can help you to overcome.

One common fear among potential Total Results clients is the fear of beginning an exercise program. It could be that you have never weight trained before, or that you had a bad experience with a previous exercise program. This is very understandable. Fear of the unknown is perfectly natural, as is the memory of a previous bad situation. There is nothing to fear about beginning the scientifically-based Total Results exercise program, and there is so much to gain, regardless of your age, exercise history, and health history. We take the time during an initial consultation to learn about you and your goals, and give a detailed explanation of our exercise philosophy. Our job is to guide you through this process, and we are happy to address any concerns and questions that you might have.

Fear of injury is also something that we frequently encounter. Some of this fear is legitimate, while some of it is misguided. Many people mistakenly confuse the term "weight training" with "weight lifting", when in fact, they are two completely different things. Weight training, particularly when done with a slow movement speed in a proper environment, is very safe. Weight lifting, on the other hand, is typical of the behavior seen in most commercial gyms and usually involves throwing and catching weights with dangerous levels of acceleration. Proper weight training should protect you against injury, not cause it. Total Results is the safest exercise protocol available; as Ken Hutchins (founder of our protocol) is fond of saying, is "safer than stepping off a curb."

A legitimate thing that discourages many potential clients is the fear of the gym environment. Most commercial gyms are noisy, hot, and crowded. The clientele is often there simply to be social, and the staff is usually ignorant about anatomy and physiology. Many people are turned off by commercial gyms, and it's often enough of a deterrent to prevent them from reaping the benefits of high-intensity exercise. Total Results is the anti-gym. Our exercise studio is private, distraction free, temperature-controlled, and has equipment that is engineered specifically for our exercise protocol. Here, you can focus exclusively on getting the best workout possible. It is the ideal exercise environment.

Finally, many people are apprehensive about the exertional discomfort (often referred to as the "burn") that is a by-product of Total Results exercise. This is often unpleasant, and it isn't something that most people look forward to (not even us!) This discomfort is a result of intense muscular and metabolic effort, and intense effort is what is necessary to stimulate body improvements. Exertional discomfort is temporary; each exercise only lasts from one to three minutes, and a complete workout should take no longer than twenty minutes. As you become a more experienced trainee, you gain a greater tolerance for discomfort. As your breathing, form, and focus improve, you tend to be less affected by the burning sensation that occurs in your muscles and momentary muscular failure approaches. The fact that our workouts are brief and infrequent makes this fear much easier to overcome.

Don't run from your fear; meet it head on. Once you confront your fear, it is much easier to deal with. Entrepreneur and author Grant Cardone says, "Overcoming your fear is just an exercise in doing something that will allow you to increase confidence in yourself and take your career to another level." Do not allow your fear to prevent you from taking that very important first step toward a physical and mental transformation. Schedule a consultation with Total Results today.

Posted December 03, 2019 by Matthew Romans